Mixed Effects

Linear mixed effects models - the basics

Linear mixed effects models

Simple Explanation of Mixed Models (Hierarchical Linear Models, Multilevel Models)

Fixed and random effects with Tom Reader

Mixed Models, Hierarchical Linear Models, and Multilevel Models: A simple explanation

Mixed Effects Models Part 1: What is a Mixed Effects Model?

Mixed Effects Models: A Conceptual Overview Using R

How to decide whether an effect is fixed or random in mixed models

Sound Effects - Anguirus Plus Two

Mixed Model ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) Simply explained

Linear mixed effects models - random slopes and interactions | R and SPSS

Nonlinear mixed effects models (NLME) - explained

Intro to Mixed Effect Models

Lecture 9.1 Introduction to Mixed Effects Models

Multilevel Mixed-Effects Modeling Using MATLAB

New in Stata 15: Nonlinear mixed-effects models

Mixed effects models with R

2 Mixed effects logistic regression

New in Stata 16: Nonlinear mixed-effects models with lags and differences

R Tutorial: Linear mixed-effects models part 1- Repeated measures ANOVA

Interpreting fixed and random effects in mixed models

Mixed Model Analysis: Real Example

Having Fun with Random Effects in Mixed Models (GLMMs)

Lesson 22d Hierarchical Models: MixedEffects